Friday, November 11, 2011

In The News: November 2011

Life in the Internet World

When the internet and computers work, it’s great. When they break down, it makes business and life really challenging.

Recently, we had our one toll free number go off line when one US supplier lost their trunk line out. Immediately thousands of companies lost their toll free access. Fortunately Rapidgo has two different suppliers for just such an emergency. Unfortunately, not all our customers had both numbers. So please take note of both numbers on the enclosed business cards and pass on to the appropriate personnel.

In the same few days, Blackberry lost all email transfer in and out. As well, the hosting company for our website had a server failure and emails sent through were delayed for hours, and in some cases days. As an added protection to this happening in the future, please make note of our Gmail account – Failing that, you can directly text James @ 5198410115 or Molly @ 5192418889. Finally, if you have sent an email or text to us and do not receive a response in 15 minutes, please call to confirm. We apologize for the inconveniences of recent.

Biz-Bytes FYI

As with all transportation companies, Rapidgo rates are directly tied to fuel costs. The reduction in fuel costs has allowed us to actually reduce many out of town rates. We never have a fuel surcharge.